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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"Hey...no fair...when is my turn??" Posted by Hello

more wawa's drop by as the by now tired couple take a break. Posted by Hello

a young wawa grabs a few pointers. Posted by Hello

"2 minutes more and we would have broken the record for longest copulation by chihuahuas." Posted by Hello

it soon got a little hot and heavy (literally)... Posted by Hello

time to renew acquaintances... Posted by Hello

time for a short nap. Posted by Hello

Bebe. The alpha bitch of the Wawa clan. Posted by Hello

" I jus love grass! Yip! Yip!" Posted by Hello

3 hours later. Camou is still there at the food dish. Posted by Hello

Camou finally summons the courage to make a go at the food, which he devours with relish, all the while keeping an eye out for any intruders. Posted by Hello

"nice collar! My owner went to London and all I got was this lousy thing" Posted by Hello

"Camou....the red harnessed wawa..had a very shiny bell...and if you ever saw it...you might even say it blows!...all the other wawas used to laugh and call him names...they never let poor Camou join in any wawa games...lalalaaa..." Posted by Hello

"Who is for a little game of hoops?" Posted by Hello

"I wonder what she is eating. Anything must be better than this crap..." Posted by Hello

the younger wawas get their turn at the grub Posted by Hello

having mostly eaten, the pack scatters... Posted by Hello

more dogs and their owners join in the feasting. The younger ones played the fool as you can see... Posted by Hello

2 wawas having a well deserved meal after all that walking Posted by Hello

picnic time! Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Camou and mummy Posted by Hello

Maybe later... Posted by Hello

Camou: Ahh...looks like a good day for a swim. Posted by Hello

A Eye for a not so Queer Guy Posted by Hello

No dude. Look over there! Posted by Hello